
الجمعة، 15 أغسطس 2014

(Information about the ship Pharaonic Cairo)

(Information about the ship Pharaonic Cairo) 

Steamer Pharaonic is a restaurant wheelchair on a flight to the Nile, and for two hours, and there on Friday, three trips to the steamer trip time (3) pm, and Flight Time (7) pm, and Flight Time (10) pm, and these trips on Friday Only The rest of the week are trips hour (7) pm and hour (10) pm, and the duration of each trip as I mentioned to you previously two hours, and the price of the trip per person is: 
Journey Time (3) the value of pm (175) pounds. 
Journey Time (7) pm and hour (10) worth pm (220) pounds. 
And offers a buffet during the trip, and eating this ship on a high level of cleanliness and multi items in addition to the multi-Lhala items as well, and the service was excellent, and eating submitted during the trip within the value of the value of a ticket to ride him drink either a separate account, such as juice and drinks carbonated. 
And the journey that moves the time (3) pm, a person can enjoy views of the beautiful Cairo during ascent to the surface of the ship, and I would recommend it to carry your camera for filming it, and this ship is suitable for families and advise them. 
The journey that moves the time (3) pm has the simple mirth (mean person), there are other trips either by simple mirth and dance, and who does not wish that he can rise to the surface of the ship through these sections. 
I wish you a pleasant journey. 
Greetings ,,,

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